>They discuss removing biofilm from water systems using chlorine dioxide
(MMS) or ozone. I thought that was interesting, as it could also apply to
the mouth.<




Keep in mind that I can't prove a word of this... Long story short: I
started MMS in September '07 for a mild right upper toothache. In very short
order, MMS was burning out a biofilm that stretched from the the top my my
right sinuses and all through my right sinuses, down my right Eustachian
tube and into the top right quadrant of my heart. I had no idea that it was
there. Alas, my infection eventually became resistant to MMS and began to
come back despite my increasing doses of MMS. Eventually I could not handle
the nausea and I do think that overuse of MMS will deplete vitamin c and
other nutrients and cause oxidative damage. I ended up with severe angina
from it. I have since successfully used other protocols, most notably
including lemon juice, iodine and DMSO to kill off this infection and to
reclaim my circulatory system.


My MMS experience is similar to my silver experience and to my experences
with various electro-devices: initial success then failure. I'm not knocking
any of them, they all bought me time while I continued living and learning.
What I have discovered for myself is that all that is said by the followers
of Bechamp appears to be true for me, that I could not get well until I
treated the terrain correctly. For me that meant ions, vitamin C, iodine,
magnesium, salt, various trace elements and minerals and of course good
food. Also had to quit coffee. There's more but Christmas is closing in

