
Early in my alternative turn I took H2O2 orally. It was burning (literally)
infections out of me right and left, then one day it made me so sick I
thought I would have to go to the ER. Never did that one again either.
I do agree that small amounts of MMS will probably be OK. Nevertheless, it
is not a healing agent and I have since found things that are, as I listed
before. I just think we'll all be better off to urge people to use things
that deal with infections without killing the host. Because of my
experience, which brought me once again to the edge of the ER several times,
I cannot in good conscience recommend MMS anymore. 
It is difficult to convey in words just how bad my problems were after
taking MMS. At the time I said very little about it on any groups because I
didn't want to worry my e-friends and I sure didn't want to get in any
go-see-a-doctor arguments. I was scared! I couldn't walk 100' without
stopping to rest and recover from the pain in my chest and arms.
CoQ10 has most definitely been instrumental in my recovery. The plain bald
fact is that I think it probably saved my life one day when my heart was
very near stopping. Hawthorn has been a bit problematic for me. I have taken
Hawthorn berry supplements with no discernible effect. I have soaked dried
hawthorn berries in alcohol and eaten a couple of pounds of them with no
real discernible effect. However I did have a very discernible effect from
taking "Cardi-Plant Pro" which is a standardized hawthorn supplement made
from the leaves and bark, not the berries. I think the makers of that
product must know something the rest of us don't and I intend to get more of
I've tried dozens of alternative substances to feed and nourish the heart.
Cayenne kept me going but the effects are temporary. I disagree with
Schulze's premise that cayenne can cure congestive heart disease, yet I
still take it nearly every day. Strauss drops are heavy on the hot stuff but
they have other things in there and I do intend to get some sometime.
My latest victory with my heart comes from homemade Magnesium Bicarbonate
Water and increased iodine; I am now taking orally both Magnascent and
Lugol's and the results of all three of these things has been tremendous. I
may not get to say much more about this for another week with all we have to
do with family right now, but when I do get ready to write it up I'll post
it here as well as some other groups. 


From: Nenah Sylver [] 
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:23 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Removing biofilm / MMS dangers


Thank you again for sharing with us your unfortunate experience with MMS.
The damage to your blood vessels reminds me of similar effects in people who
receive hydrogen peroxide IVs. Such IVs must be done with great care, and by
an experienced physician, as H2O2 can cause similar damage. Now I understand
why, as they apparently are similar compounds.


That said, small amounts of MMS may be okay for selected folks—indeed, I’ve
heard glowing testimonials from some users—but obviously, it’s not a “magic
bullet” or a “cure-all.”


Two very healing nutrients for the circulatory system and heart are Co
Enzyme Q10 and Hawthorne Berries. Some people have had very good results
with Strauss Heart Drops; you can Google it.


Blessings to you,
