Can I ask two questions on this?
Do you stop the vit C before donating?
Any health benefits from selling plasma?
thankd debbie

--- On Sat, 12/20/08, Wayne Fugitt <> wrote:

From: Wayne Fugitt <>
Subject: CS>Blood Letting, Iron overload, ( all very ancient )
Date: Saturday, December 20, 2008, 4:16 AM

Morning Sol.

>> At 11:42 PM 12/19/2008, you wrote:
> Not every one is allowd to donate at all. And you can get turned away for
having an elevated BP or temp on the day.

  Yes, that happens often.

  One can do the blood letting at home.  Only a needle, tube and a jar is
I have done it a few times, until I realized it all seemed like a wasted cause.

Bloodletting is ancient, it even killed our first president,  George
It took 3 genius doctors to do it, ..... if I recall correctly.

I am sure no one understood what was happening, several hundred years ago, any
better than it is understood now.

Some thing is missing, something no one is telling us, not sure what.

> So it is a good idea IMHO, to institute measures that slow down iron
loading between donations.

   Iron overload is about as confusing as blood letting.  There are thousands
of terms
associated with Iron Overload.  Few are clear and adequately defined.

Some of the terms make little sense to me.  "Hereditary Iron" for

Since the early history of medicine, and the early doctors, it has always been
a case of

         "The Blind Leading the Blind",  much the same way today.

One of the best examples is,  What happened when the first doctor said,

         "We have to wash our hands between patients".

Almost forgot, another proven method of blood letting it to,

    Get into a fight with the right guy.

The problem is accurate measurement.  Yes, I have done it that way too. ( blood
in the street )

> I personally AM donating, and plan to continue. But I also take other
measures. Including stopping oral vit C.

   It is a good think you do not make it, like the lowly house fly, and most
other critters on the earth.

If you could make it, in the same proportion relative to body weight, most
people would make,

       2.8 grams per day.

No need to say much about Vitamin C.



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