I just bought some MSM at a tack store intended for MY use. It says on the 
label there are no fillers. Then when I got home and read further it says, 
For animal use only.
Keep out of reach of other animals and children. In case of accidental 
overdose, contact a health professional immediately.
This product should not be given to animals intended for human consumption.
So with THAT warning I never took it. What the heck else could be in it so 

--- On Mon, 4/6/09, Tel Tofflemire <telt...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Tel Tofflemire <telt...@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: CS>DMSO, Human or Horse Grade ?
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Monday, April 6, 2009, 8:49 AM

DMSO is The Same as MSM only missing an atom, making it a liquid, If you took 
DMSO and spread it on a plate and left it in the sun for a few days it would 
turn to white powder, Presto (MSM)  Thats how they discovered it.
Its a by-product of wood pulp The western lumber areas are a huge source for 

Re: Food Grade DMSO?  Try to get Lingual (mfg.) most of the rest is from China 
now-days. I told you to buy it in a Tack Store, to save you money.

You can it the same quality stuff in an on line store, with a fancy name for 
much more money. If your looking for nice labels, and fancy bottles, you go guy.

If you want to Save money, go to a pet store that sells Horse feed.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

--- On Mon, 4/6/09, Wayne Fugitt <cwa...@netdoor.com> wrote:

> From: Wayne Fugitt <cwa...@netdoor.com>
> Subject: CS>DMSO, Human or Horse ?
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Date: Monday, April 6, 2009, 7:04 AM
> > Where do you purchase  human DMSO?
>  ( This must reference,  "Food Grade" )
>   If it is good enough,
>         For a Million Dollar Horse,
> It is good enough
>       for a
>            Half Million
> dollar Human !
> Many people take better care of their horses,
> Nutrition, scientific feeding, and everything else,
> Than they do for their own body.
> Wayne
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