Hello all,

I'm delurking to ask a question.

I bought an SP Lite not too long ago, but just made my first batch of
colloidal silver today. Of course something unexpected came up, and I had to
leave the house for a bit. And I forgot about the colloidal silver making.

Oh goodness, when I finally got back home and remembered, I ran to check on
it. It had turned a sort of a medium gold color. I'm sitting here looking at
it askance. It looks kind of like weak tea. Is this still usable? Or should
I toss it? The silver wires had some kind of stuff on them when I pulled
them out.  But I don't see anything in the water itself. And I did use
distilled water. There are some very tiny oily looking spots on the top of
the solution, and it has a very noticeable taste. I took a very tiny sip as
an experimental taste test.

I've never heard of colloidal silver described like this before. So use it,
or toss it?
