That's not mad's no brains and don't give hoot what's for dinner.
Chickens'l eat anything, even each other.
'Course, proximity makes the odds higher that it's eyeballs instead of bugs...and getting your eyeballs pecked out sorta makes ya kick a little. The industry could use some improvement, but that wouldn't be getting carried around in a foxes mouth with crushed bones for an hour to be fed alive to a litter of pups.

The domestic strain of turkey [Yes, genetically modified ] is a world away from the wild variety in wilyness and survival abilities. Stealing is stealing, done in the name of PETA or not and turning one of those birds loose is a death sentence, slow and lonely or fast and don't know.

The "true kind heart" [vs self righteous poli crackpot that doesn't think things through] woulda taken it home and fed and protected it like it was accustomed to living.
And an "honest" crack pot woulda BOUGHT the bird from the raffle winner.

But that takes being responsible for your own actions, much more difficult than just blaming someone else for your hurt sensitivities to justify thievery. [You do get SOME credit for trying to win it, but not waiting for the results and taking the next step to persevere is inexcusably childish. ]

Participation in the "free range" market, both grower and buyer, is the "responsible" and "honest" way to go that includes a willingness to personally pay the price for a personal belief. If you want to buy a farm animal and keep it as a house pet, that's your business, it's now YOURS.....not LOOT to throw away into a different Hell, at someone elses expense...then "feel" like a hero because you DON'T know what you did.

 Stealing from those you feel are wrong, doesn't make it right.

Poor Excuse for Tantrum Activities
 Thugs, vandals and thieves association.

Well, a pick pocket feels victorious at the guild of thieves meeting too.
..but generally has enough common sense to keep the bragging inside that pack of thieves where such nonsense is appreciated and encouraged.


At 01:44 PM 4/25/2009 -0400, you wrote:
Yes, indeed. And with chickens they commonly remove the beaks and feet,
so they don't peck and claw each other in a mad panic. This because they
are confined in large numbers to very tight spaces.
The meat industry is hellishly cruel, and anyone who imagines otherwise
hasn't seriously looked into it. And for those too hard-hearted to mind the
cruelty, you might want to look into the health concerns surrounding the
modern methods of "production"...
Rather than spoon feeding anyone a specific link which will likely be
disregarded as "biased", I recommend looking that up for yourselves at . A sincere desire to know the truth will always
yield the most powerful results.

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 06:13:53PM +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
> What, being wrenched upside down and hung on a conveyor belt, then having > their heads dipped into water and electrocuted - before having them sliced
>    off?  I don't call that humane!  Also before this they are kept in their
>    thousands, crammed together with no room to move in giant sheds.  Not
>    humane at all.  Dee
>    -------Original Message-------
>    From: [1]MaryAnn Helland
>    Date: 25/04/2009 18:06:33
>    To: [2]
>    Subject: Re: CS>the corpse thread...OT
>    Dee -- turkeys are not cruelly abused.  They are slaughtered in a fairly
>    humane manner, just like chickens.  FWIW.  MA
> References
>    Visible links
>    1.
>    2.


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