Hi Dianne.Thats a good question. There are many theory's why or how a zapper
works. The current in my zapper is around 4 mil amps. I do use around the
eyes, not a lot though. The zapper has been so good for me, cured my drop
foot when everyone said back surgery was the only option. I told them
surgery was the last option. I made a simple zapper to help with my
prostrate problems and my drop foot started getting better. I still
have prostate problems and drop foot but every month or so I zap the
effected area and it goes away. Has helped with many other conditions also.

Ode came up with a very good theory why a zapper works and I believe it but
their are other factors involved also.

Thanks for your concern

Sam L

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 3:47 PM, Dianne France <dianne_fra...@hotmail.com>wrote:

>  I don't know exactly how a zapper works or where you put it to affect the
> sinus cavity but have read that electrical current near the eyes can cause
> macular degeneration.  Is the current in the zapper low enough not to affect
> the eyes?
> Dianne
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 13:49:52 -0700
> Subject: Re: CS>Sinus infection and gentian violet
> From: one...@gmail.com
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Thanks for everyones help. I am feeling better today. Started sleeping on a
> new bed, sheets,and pillows. Neti pot helped allot. A few good sprays of cs
> up the nose, eyeballs burned a little. Using the zapper twice per days now
> that I know where the sinus cavity is. Taking some diphenhydramine also. I
> believe the old pillows were re-infecting me every night with bacteria.
> Sam L.

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