Just looked this up and apparently tapeworm is picked up from infected raw
meat or fish, so fleas wouldn't have anything to do with it.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Dee Fitzpatrick
Date: 29/06/2009 19:41:16
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>15 drops of SC will deworm ...
I don't think a tape worm can be expelled by just killing fleas Little Bird.
 I think they will live and grow as long as there is food for them.  Also, I
believe dogs can pick up tape worm eggs from infected grass etc.,  dee 
-------Original Message-------
From: lampley lane
Date: 06/29/09 19:25:03
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>15 drops of SC will deworm ...
Thanks Tel, but I am confused about the tape worm. In dogs, and I believe
they are the same tape worms, all you do is keep the fleas off the dog, and
the tape worms will be expelled out. A tape worm is only ingested by eating
a flea. It doesn't make eggs in the dog, so no fleas, and the tape worms in
a dog will die ( altho you can speed up the process with a wormer). And I've
had this work with my dogs for 40 yrs. Is it different for humans? Blessings
 Little Bird  

