Make sure you are eating a good diet, that you get plenty of minerals;
calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.

Regular sun exposure, enough to make vitamin D, or supplement with
vitamin D3.  You may want to get your vitamin D level checked

Also, you may find it interesting to reread what Brooks Bradley posted
recently about Boron in a post on rheumatoid arthritis.  Posted below:

"While did find the use of Boron supplements effective( the amount that
adheres to the first joint of the moistened index finger when dipped
into a container of powdered 20 Mule Team quite sufficient
as a daily support) we employed them in a more limited number of
evaluations. However, the results were, sometimes, spectacular in
nature...and this when the other protocols had reached the limit of
their effectiveness. Our research has revealed that Boron is a
much-maligned element and many untruths/spins as to its "supposedly"
lethal toxicity have permeated the scientific (so-called)
literature....for decades. The vast majority of these denigrating
claims are totally unsupported by detailed research. While Boron is,
in truth, a trace-element is a VERY important one
and possesses a high LD number-----much, much larger than is generally
publicized. I have used this little Boron supplement,
prophylactic-type, support for the immediately-! past 10
years.....with nothing but excellent results.....especially in
increasing "range-of-motion and relieving bursitis-type ancillary
I know this response is quite "after-the-fact" in nature, but I truly
believe the information warrants consideration.
Best Regards, Brooks.
p.s. While anecdotal in nature, it might be of interest to you to note
that the simple addition of the little boron supplement GREATLY
improved the bone density of our female volunteers (most especially
those over 60 years of age)."


On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 5:19 AM, Dianne France<> wrote:
> I received the following from a cousin and wanted to know if anyone had any
> information that might help her.  I tried curezone but don't think I was
> entering the proper search.
> Dianne - have you every read anything about reversing bone loss?
> Please pass it along if you have any information. My dentist is telling me I
> have significant bone loss so if there is a way to help/reverse that, it
> would be so wonderful!

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