Thinking that way used to appear to work for me too, but then I met MRSA.
But for many years I said, "I refuse to be ill". Then one day that just
didn't work anymore. 

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      ^      Indi

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 08:41:12AM -0500, Renee wrote:
>    Well, the subconscious has a LOT to do with things.  If you believe in the
>    "catching germ theory" (I don't) then your subconscious will say "oh, my
>    husband's got a cold and, well, he's my husband so naturally I'm going to
>    catch that cold too because we eat together, drink out of the same
>    glasses, sleep together.  Yep, cold time".  and so, there you are--you're
>    own personal validation of your beliefs.
>    I never catch colds--haven't had one in over 15 years, no matter who I'm
>    around, even my husband, because I gave up my belief in that.  It
>    certainly didn't happen over night, and it took my husband a few more
>    years than me--because he thought I was nuts but then when he saw that I
>    didn't catch any colds while he did, he finally gave up that belief too.
>    Now it's been about 8 years or so since he's had a cold.  Or the flu (me
>    either)
>    If we could give up all false beliefs so easily--wouldn't our world be
>    astounding!!!  But truly--giving up your belief in colds and  flu is
>    relatively simply compared to believing that you'll never get any
>    disease.  Maybe not though--maybe it just takes more focus! <shrug--I
>    should start working on that>
>    As for positive reason for having a cold, if you have your cold simply
>    because you believe you "should"--then your positive outcome is being in
>    sympathy and support of your husband.
>    But--isn't staying home nice too?  Isn't just relaxing on the couch or
>    bed, eating ice cream and sleeping a lot (if you can) and not having to
>    deal with day-to-day problems (if you have someone you can pass them off
>    to because you're 'sick') nice?  Those are positive reinforcements.
>    It's like when a person gets the flu.  The first person of the season
>    (many get it because of the belief they will because 'I work with them' or
>    'I was just with my best friend and now she's sick' syndrome) actually
>    HATES going to work, absolutely NEEDS a break from work and simply CANNOT
>    stay home and take that break. He/she has a family to feed, bills to pay.
>    But it's overwhelming and they really, REALLY need a break.
>    So--the flu magically shows up!  Now--the subconscious always, always,
>    moves towards pleasure and away from pain.  It always wants to make you
>    happy.  It has a job to do--balance your life between total joy and
>    reality. :-)
>    It listens, judges and decides that 1) you must stay home 2) you shouldn't
>    stay home and 3) the must stay home is really much more important to you
>    AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME than the shouldn't stay home.  So--because you are
>    not actually listening to your true feelings the unconscious (called the
>    Ku in Hawaiian, which is where I learned all this, from Huna) says "well,
>    since you won't take that break, I'll give you a legitimate reason to take
>    a  break"--because to the Ku, your feeling physically miserable is MUCH
>    more preferable, and not at all seen as detrimental to your actually well
>    being, as feeling EMOTIONALLY and SPIRITUALLY miserable.
>    The highest priority of the Ku is aligning your physical body and world
>    with your emotional and spiritual beliefs.  That's the key--the big Secret
>    everyone talks about--behind everything we do.  You have to be in
>    emotional alignment with your physical world.  If you are filled with joy
>    all the time, your physical desires are always met (and unfortunately
>    being filled with despair or fear, your physical world reflects that,
>    too).  It's what "the Secret" is all about.  It's what has been taught
>    through the ages by all great spiritual teachers.  Our Ku understands
>    this.  When we 'get it' consciously--look out.  That's what gives people
>    true power.
>    So--back to your cold.  Now it is up to you to decide--did I get this so I
>    can kick back on the sofa and relax for a couple days, even if I have my
>    box of Kleenex sitting next to me, or did I get it because I expected to
>    because my husband has it?  Then you can decide if you wish to continue
>    either of those belief systems.
>    Then, according to your beliefs, you can decide whether or not you wish to
>    ever experience a cold or flu again.  If it's simply because you are in
>    sympathy with your husband's plight you can say "that's his choice.  I
>    choose not to experience that" or if it's because you really need a break
>    then you can arrange your world so that, every so often, you take a
>    break.  Doesn't have to be for days in a row, like having a week long
>    cold, it can be just a couple hours that you enjoy for just YOURSELF.  You
>    will learn to distinguish when that time is, and how long it needs to be.
>    We are amazing beings with so much power that we have no idea what we are
>    capable of.
>    (as a side story--my Huna teacher's son's friend broke his arm.  My
>    teacher's son, at about 10 years old, said to everyone, and to himself,
>    "I'll NEVER break a bone, ever" and said it with such force, such belief,
>    that it set it into his very being.  15 years later he was parachuting
>    and--yep, his chute failed to open.  I forget how many feet he fell.  He
>    landed in some trees, bounced out of them and hit the ground.  They were
>    sure he should have been killed.  Not only did he get up and walk away
>    from it--but he never so much as broke his pinky finger in the fall!!
>    That's how powerful our beliefs are when we actually implant them into our
>    very being)
>    And now, because this is a CS list and not my personal soap box--I won't
>    say anymore about it. :-)  If you think I'm full of BS, that's great.  If
>    not, and you wish to talk more about it, you can write me off list.
>    Samala,
>    Renee
>    -------Original Message-------
>     I can't think of one positive thing unless it's a license to eat ice
>    cream.

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