Hello all,
I'd like to throw out an idea to all of you and would appreciate any and all 
I recently posted about a friend of mine being diagnosed (3 days ago) with Lung 
and Brain cancer, which is now spreading. Dr.'s say he is beyond Chemo but they 
are going to try radiation to shrink the brain tumors in order to restore 
functionality to his right leg (which is numb and he cannot move). 
I was thinking of MMS, but I know he is not the best patient and so I was 
wondering if it would be feasable or even possible to do the following:

1) Disolve 12 tablespoons of lecithin granules in 60 ounces of distilled water.
2) Activate 150 drops of MMS with the juice of a whole lemon, in the usual 3 
minute way, then add 4 ounces of water to the activated MMS.
3) Pour both solutions into the large UC and run for six 2-minute cycles. 
4) Add 4 drops of DMSO either before encapsulation, or after?

Would the MMS be encapsulated? 
And, if so, would the side effects from the MMS be diminished or nullified?
Would the addition of the DMSO intensify the benefits, or might it form 
detrimental compounds (in other words, should I leave it out, to be on the safe 

I realize that this is all speculation, but I wanted to brainstorm in order to 
best give my friend at least a fighting chance.
Thanks, Paul
p.s. I was thinking maybe 6 ounces in the a.m. and 6 ounces in the p.m.?