If you were to join any number of Lyme groups and ask for a hand-count, I
think, you would more than likely be very surprised.  

-------Original Message-------
From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Date: 8/30/2009 7:20:17 AM
Subject: Re: CS>slick tick now Tick Removers
but what if they regurgitate their stomach contents in the meanwhile?  I
have a little tool which is like a sewing machine foot.  You just hook it
under the little bug...r and twist and off it comes with everything intact. 
Mind you, here in the UK it seems to be only the dogs that get these mainly
as we don't have a lot of them only in sheep country.  dee

On 30 Aug 2009, at 15:10, Sandee George wrote:

What tick remover do you need when you have Colloidal Silver Gel - Ode has
told you all what happened to him when he used his - ticks have to breathe
just like anything else close off the oxygen and they die, disintegrate and
gone !!!!
