I've been reading similar stuff but this time it is bacteria/viruses/ fungii wrapping themselves in protein and fooling the immune system. This is why I am taking proteolytic enzymes. I am going to Google cider vinegar though because then I can attack the little b..ger on all sides! dee

On 6 Sep 2009, at 16:17, Rowena wrote:

Yes, just google for it. cider vinegar UK raw should bring it up fine.

You know how they reckon that fibromyalgia sufferers have calcium phosphate deposits throughout the body? And you know how they reckon nanobacteria can hide from the body's immune system by building themselves a little shell from the body's own calcium and phosphate and stuff? (And that guaifenesin demolishes the Calcium Phosphate so it can be excreted?)

Well, I wonder if the same thing might be happening with the cider vinegar? See the deposits off, at the same time exposing the nanobacteria to the body's natural defense mechanisms? Possibly even killing the nanobacteria? And same process for arthritis?

And if, a la Dr Jarvis, one is also adding drops of Lugol's iodine to the brew - why, even more germ-killing power.
Or Magnascent (magnascent.com)

Eh?   Eh?