Hi Lisa,


Damn, you've just reminded me of one I forgot to document.  Daughter had white 
lesions on tonsils a few months ago and she gargled, swirled around 
mouth...then swallowed some 'tea' coloured EIS I've had stored for months, also 
ingested a quantity of clear solution between times, seemed to fix her up in a 
few days, lesions disappeared in a few days and she was OK after that.  Not 
inviting a debate over colours of EIS from anyone though, I have my own 
methodology and protocols concerning EIS, and they're best kept to myself me 
thinks <g>.


Don't know if this is any use to you, and now I'm miffed that I forgot to 
document this one at the time, I usually do to keep as a record.



From: blacksa...@comcast.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com; miracle_mineral_supplem...@yahoogroups.com; 
dimethylsulfoxide-d...@yahoogroups.com; herbal_remed...@yahoogroups.com
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 08:12:59 -0400
Subject: CS>Sore throat...

Hi All,
This is the 3rd day of a sore throat (possibly the beginnings of strept). Can 
someone suggest something so I can rid myself of it and/or at the very least 
not have the soreness?
I’ve done some gargling with CS (can’t determine if that’s helped or maybe 
prevented it from getting worse).
Would love to hear from folks that have had something similar and nipped it in 
the bud!
Thank you.
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