Do what everyone else does, blind them with 'techno-babble', they ain't going 
to know any different, if they did they'd be doing some research and making 
their own.


Here's a tip...clear can be used for faster regeneration of the meat in wound 
healing and resulting in less scarring, sunburn etc, coloured (ANY COLOUR up to 
dark 'tea' colour) can be used for emergency treatment, gargle for tonsilitis, 
swollen glands etc (then swallowed) open wounds on animals etc, or as a general 
bug killer, use your imagination.  Most importantly, you're not, it's 
all FACT, and everyone has, or should have, their own ideas/protocols/uses etc 
for whatever solution/suspension they produce, I know I do, all types of EIS/CS 
has a use, both for ingestion/consumption, and/or topical use.


There's nothing on this planet I can think of more versatile than this stuff, 
doubters/disbelievers are just too stupid to understand that.


If you can't convince 'em...confuse 'em! You can see any amount of that around 
the place just by 'googling', it's called 'marketing', you may need a crash 
course praps <g>.


Oops, I fear I am falling back into my old ways again, so better say cheerio.


Bottom line again...Whomever is involved with this stuff should have done 
enough research to understand that ALL types of this stuff is useful, one just 
needs to work out their own uses/protocols etc etc from that research whilst 
not being 'fixated' or 'locked into' published material quite as much.



Subject: Re: CS>tyndall again
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 12:33:04 +0000

The trouble is Neville, that other people buy it from me and I told them that 
it has to be clear (big mouth) because that is what I believed at the time.  So 
if any goes yellow, it costs me to replace it of course.  dee

On 16 Nov 2009, at 22:57, Neville Munn wrote:

This is the thing Dee, from what I gather EIS/CS would need to be manufactured 
in a vaccuum sealed environment to keep ANY contaminants to a minimum...and 
then you open the bottle when you get home...!  Chemistry of the environment 
will have it's way regardless.
This stuff is so easily 'upset' with regard to purity.  This is why I work on a 
'range' of ppm, why I have my own 'tolerance' levels in uS readings of DW, and 
why 'colour' is accepted, again within my 'tolerance', colour doesn't signify 
poor product it just means I work out what I use that 'coloured' solution for, 
for it's best effectiveness in any particular circumstance, and regulate dosage 
accordingly.  Every time the vessel is opened 'something' else is let in with 
the to keep it at it's optimum purity, or keep it 'perfect'?  who 

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