I think you need to see some outside reports.  You're very trusting but may
be in harm's way.  The FDA said Vioxx was safe and it only killed 139,000
people.  They also say vaccines are safe and we're suffering 1 out of 110
Autistic children these days. And the ADA and the FDA say mercury fillings
are safe...  Believe what you wish, but personally, I'd do some deeper
research or have it tested.


On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 8:28 PM, <zzekel...@aol.com> wrote:

>  In a message dated 1/2/2010 1:44:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> jonellis.steven...@gmail.com writes:
> I don't believe Arm & Hammer, Lois.  Pure Sodium bicarbonate can be found
> in most health food stores and at drclark.net or drclark.com - where I buy
> mine.
> John
> *I guess I do believe their label & the answer to my e-mail. They even
> list the amount of sodium content { Look sodium up in the dictionary}...
> They also list uses & one of the uses is medicinal---both internal &
> external paste...I'm 72 & I remember it being used in our family on the farm
> when I was a youngun. The paste was used when we were near the house if we
> got a bee sting...If we were out exploring  we used mud... I have used it
> with all my kids. Just put it in my Epsom salts bath yesterday...We use it
> in place of store bought stuff for indigestion upsets.*
> * {{ I really doubt the label would list the medical uses if it were not a
> pure product. }} Lois*