
i don't have inevitable proof, only what I've read from various sources over
the years.  From what I understand and recall, the aluminum somehow gets
into the sodium bicarbonate in the processing stages.  I don't know if A & H
use aluminum bins, aluminum grinding tools, or what, but from what I've read
in the past it's been stated that A & H has aluminum in it.  I'm sure it may
only be small amounts that enter from the processing stage, but, personally,
I want no aluminum entering my body in any fashion.  I've read this in the
past over a number of years from various sources which is why I seek only
pure sodium bicarbonate from drclark.net and drclark.com.  You may find some
info about it in Dr. Clark's books - if I recall correctly.  Dr. Simoncini,
of Italy, who uses sodium bicarbonate to treat various kinds of cancer, may
also have some info on it.  I cannot recall all of my sources because I read
so many health newsletters and references daily, monthly and over the course
of many years, but from my reading, and recollection, I just won't use A & H
Sodium Bicarbonate.  There are sources of pure sodium bicarbonate available
so I choose to use those. I wish I could elaborate more thoroughly for you,
but I can't.


On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:43 AM, M. G. Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com> wrote:

> John Stevens wrote:
> > Believe what you wish, but personally, I'd
> > do some deeper research or have it tested.
> John,
> Let me ask if you have had a sample of Arm & Hammer baking soda
> analyzed for aluminum contamination, and can you share the report and
> its provenance with us?
> All I've seen so far in an admittedly cursory examination of this issue
> are numerous nervous remarks from people passing on what they've heard,
> and one or two obviously self-serving vendors attempting, quite
> successfully, to generate fear, uncertainty and doubt about their
> bigger competitors in order to carve out for themselves a niche market
> among health-conscious consumers.
> If you can show me analytic results from sources provably unaffiliated
> with the sellers of so-called "aluminum-free" sodium bicarbonate, I
> will certainly consider them. Access to your own results or specific
> links to other objective sources would be appreciated, as I don't have
> energy available to do extensive research to prove or disprove your
> assertions.
> Meanwhile, ad hominem attacks, whether of the "you're full of crap" or
> "you're a paid shill" variety, are sufficient to endanger participation
> in the group for those making them. Please refrain, folks.
> Thank you,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
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