Greetings Beth,

You're asking good questions. Keep it up and you'll be able to shed the 
"beginner" status sooner than you think! <grin>

About the only thing I'd add to your procedure is to rinse the inside 
of the jar with a slosh of distilled water at least a couple of times. 
This will help remove any soap residue left from the dishwasher and 
make it less likely to contaminate your CS.

The only other suggestion I might make is to ask, why wash them at all 
between uses? (Before first-use is reasonable, of course!) If the jar's 
been kept closed except when dispensing, you've not allowed anything to 
contaminate it, say, by drinking out of the jar or dipping it out with 
contaminated utensils, then what exactly is going to be 'dirty' that 
needs cleaning out?

After a while the inside of my brewing jar turns a bit yellow, but it 
seems to stabilize at some point. The product remains consistent by 
observation and effectiveness, so not having a pristine or fresh 
surface for each new batch doesn't seem to be an issue.

Given what silver is *for*, I don't imagine anything being able to 
*grow* in there, do you? <LOL>

So, I think what you're doing is not wrong, but might be a bit more 
elaborate than is needed. Once you've got the basics right, it's 
actually pretty hard to screw this up.

Be well,

Mike D.

> Ok, please forgive my ignorance.   We do have a dishwasher, and I have
> been using quart mason jars, clean from the dishwasher, dried on high
> heat, for production of our CSW.  Is this not acceptable? If not, why
> not?   When it's done, we remove the generator thing and put a lid on
> it, and just use out of it till it's gone.  In the meantime, I get a
> clean jar (also been thru the DW) out of the  cabinet and make more.  If
> I am doing this wrong, please correct me.
> thanks much,
> Beth H, still a beginner.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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