That's what I am trying to find out ....a long time ago their was discussion on 
this and something was said that it wasn't a good idea because it affects the 
process somehow...I don't care about the jar build-up but am wondering if it 
does in fact affect the process.

From: "" <>
Cc: Deborah Gerard <>
Sent: Fri, January 15, 2010 9:46:03 AM
Subject: Re: CS>washing jars?

My question is...even if if does build up, what's the harm?

---- Deborah Gerard <> wrote: 

I have a question about using the same jar to make EIS. Isn't there some kind 
of build-up that can happen on the sides of the jar from making the EIS? 
Curious...thanks Deb

From: MaryAnn Helland <>
Sent: Fri, January 15, 2010 7:24:18 AM
Subject: Re: CS>washing jars?

Hi Beth.  Well according to Trem, that would be a bad idea.  Hope he has the 
courage to post again about it!  For myself, I also use a quart mason jar to 
make my EIS, but then pour it into a storage jar and reuse the *making* jar 
again.  I never wash any of the jars.  I do occasionally use a paper towel to 
wipe off any residue on the inside of the mason jar -- a little bit of silver 
film does accumulate over time.  If I felt the storage jars needed cleaning, I 
would simply swish around some hydrogen peroxide inside there, then rinse with 
distilled water.  HTH.

From: Beth Harrison <>
Sent: Thu, January 14, 2010 10:11:35 PM
Subject: CS>washing jars?

Ok, please forgive my ignorance.   We do have a dishwasher, and I have been 
using quart mason jars,
clean from the dishwasher, dried on high heat, for production of our CSW.  Is 
this not acceptable?
If not, why not?   When it's done, we remove the generator thing and put a lid 
on it, and just use
out of it till it's gone.  In the meantime, I get a clean jar (also been thru 
the DW) out of the  cabinet and make
more.  If I am doing this wrong, please correct me.
thanks much,
Beth H, still a beginner.

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