Norm's snipped quote:

[...the silver might turn opaque really fast...]

'Contaminants'...for me it's all about contaminants, be they in the air, in the 
water, in the production or storage vessel or from blinking as I walk past my 
setup.  There are so many possible ways for contamination to creep into the 


If I have a clear solution, then it must be just that...clear with a 'sheen' to 
the water, a 'pure' clear.  If I get a solution which is lemon yellow...then it 
must be a 'clean' pure lemon yellow, not tainted in any way, golden 
yellow...same again, must be pure golden.


If any colour is pure and clean then I am well satisfied with what I have, if 
any colour is 'tainted' and not a 'pure' colour then I have some contaminant 
present, or something else happening, and if I've done pretty much all I can do 
to eliminate contaminants and that 'something else happening' in the production 
process, then what that contaminant is only humpty dumpty and/or the kings men 
would know.


That's my 'quality assurance' technique, clarity of colour is my cornerstone 
and reassures me contaminants have been kept to a minimum, can't eliminate 
them, but I've kept them to a minimum.  And I know popular opinion in some 
circles is for clear solutions but I don't accept that, never have.




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