
There are several brands at that I use (buffered 1000 mg C
with bios, C Complex w/bioflavonoids - capsules, and Alive whole food C -
400 mg - capsules) all inexpensive and good quality.  I take 15,000 mg daily
- sometimes more, but you have to build up to the larger quantities over a
couple of weeks and spread them out over each meal - w/food.  There is a
bowel tolerance you need to get used to.  Linus Pauling in his 90's took
18,000 mg daily and through a urination test ONLY urinated off 15% - and he
was healthy.  That means 85% were working...


On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Sunwaterclear - Sunny <> wrote:

> John, any idea where to buy good Vit C online? or anyone else?   I am not
> rich [understatement!] but don't want to waste money on poor quality stuff..
> thanks
> sunny
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>  ------------------------------
> *From:* John E. Stevens <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Sat, January 16, 2010 6:30:28 AM
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Herniated disc's
> Hi, Jason:
> 35 years ago I had a herniated disc with the accompanying pain shooting
> down my sciatic nerve. I was also seeing a chiropractor every two weeks for
> an adjustment.   I started a number of supplements at the time to heal
> another problem, but the one supplement that tightened the tissues up around
> the disc was vitamin C. Within six months I was not seeing a chiropractor
> and my disc was healing.  I was taking 10,000 mg of Vitamin C at that time.
> When I thought at the time I may be looking at a disc removal and fusion of
> two vertabrae, ikt passed.  I have taken 10,000 mg daily for the last 35
> years.  I have now upped the vitamin C to between 15,000 mg - 18,000 mg
> daily (over the course of the day with meals).  There is a bowel tolerance
> with Vit C.  You need to build-up to the 10,000 mg daily over the course of
> a week to two weeks.  If it loosens your bowel movements, don't worry - your
> system will adapt.  Add some calcium, vit D 3, silica and magnesium to your
> supplement list.  Cod liver oil or Krill oil should help with the
> inflamation.  You must be very disciplined and from my experience, you'll
> have to take these supplements forever.  If I don't take my Vit C for a day,
> two or three, my back notices it very soon.  I've tested it...As long as I
> stay on my regimen, I have no problems and haven't had any problems, THANK
> GOD, in 35 years.  Good luck.
> John
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Jason <> wrote:
>> Hello, my name is Jason I'm  50 yr.
>> > old male with a health issue.The problem is I have 2 herniated disc's
>> that seem to be inflamed with possible infection.They are pain full and are
>> causing me to loose muscle mass on my left side, and to walk with a limp.I
>> wish I
>> > could find a alternative cure for the back problem other
>> > then some type of conventional medicine like surgery,and antibiotics.I
>> feel if the infection could be cured then the disc's could possible heal
>> themselfs??? Does Any have experience treatment,or any good idea's for me?
>> --
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