Hi Rainie and Others,

This might interest you...it came to me a few minutes ago.



----- Original Message ----- 

Hi Everybody

Dr. Klinghardt says that there's something that happens in Lyme disease that 
makes us very sick..lyme has this mechanism of stripping the body of zinc, 
manganese, molybdenum and a few other really important minerals.  He says that 
it is THIS that primarily disables the immune system and that this is one of 
the most important things to address in treating lyme patients.  He says if you 
can fix this mechanism - which is easy - you go a long way to setting the 
person back on their feet.  It's called the KPU protocol and you can google for 


KPU is something that can be tested for through only ONE lab - called Vitamin 
Diagnostics in the US.  It is a $50 test and anything over the number 15 is 
abnormal.  Lyme patients are usually around 70.