My son had the same problem with taste so I waited until he was at the
worst and asked him if the taste was worse than the way he feels right now.
That did the trick--now he asks for it at the first sniffle.

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Steve G <> wrote:

> Here's my problem.  My daughter has the flu and my wife is coming down with
> a cold.
> Neither one will drink the CS because they have drunk it before and hate
> the metallic taste.  i really don't notice much taste, it just seems a
> little flat to me, so no big deal for me.
> My daughter tried mixing it with Gatorade once, but was really upset with
> me because I 'ruined' perfectly good Gatorade and it tasted gross.
> Any suggestions on how to make it more palatable to finicky family members?