HuH ?  Tastes Bad ?? 

I've just phoned a friend and I got "its refreshing" , "I love it, 
slightly something, bitter I think" . L is a heavy smoker. Her other 
comment is that "The process will kill any bugs in the water."

Just to hammer this home my friend makes and takes 500ml per day 
sometimes 'brewing' for long times. Using local municipal tap water which 
I find tastes "mouldy". I'll have a look for blue nails etc. 

My comment is "slight sandy feel" . I don't think I could distinguish EIS 
from fresh water in a blindfold test. I'm a non smoker, take a few sips 
per day maybe. I use borehole and roof water which tastes good. 

That indeed is curious.



On 26 Jan 2010 at 17:09, Jeff Maahs wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Help me get my daughter and 

> I explained to my family that cough syrup doesn't taste very good but it
> will do a job. They agreed. Silver (what we call CS in our house) may
> taste bad but it'll do the job also and better. They agreed to keep trying
> it.
> Except for one week after Christmas we've been cold free this winter. Now
> if my daughters have a sore throat they will ask if they can have silver.
> They know the benefits.
> Jeff
> ________________________________
> From: Steve G <>
> To:
> Sent: Tue, January 26, 2010 7:56:12 PM
> Subject: CS>Help me get my daughter and wife to take CS
> Here's my problem.  My daughter has the flu and my wife is coming down
> with a cold.
> Neither one will drink the CS because they have drunk it before and hate
> the metallic taste.  i really don't notice much taste, it just seems a
> little flat to me, so no big deal for me.
> My daughter tried mixing it with Gatorade once, but was really upset with
> me because I 'ruined' perfectly good Gatorade and it tasted gross.
> Any suggestions on how to make it more palatable to finicky family
> members?

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