Use CS as the liquid or part of the liquid (use distilled water) and mix it with powdered gatorade. Mixing it with liquid gatorade dilutes the gatorade to the extent that I also find that taste very unpleasant. But it is good mixed with gatorade powder. I think if you want the CS diluted, using distilled water tastes the best.

At 05:56 PM 1/26/2010, you wrote:

Here's my problem. My daughter has the flu and my wife is coming down with a cold.

Neither one will drink the CS because they have drunk it before and hate the metallic taste. i really don't notice much taste, it just seems a little flat to me, so no big deal for me.

My daughter tried mixing it with Gatorade once, but was really upset with me because I 'ruined' perfectly good Gatorade and it tasted gross.

Any suggestions on how to make it more palatable to finicky family members?

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