The other part of the theory is that fulminating silver [ a very unstable compound...explosive even ] made by silver chlorides encounter with ammonia plates silver out onto small silver particles in the blood stream that make up a portion of EIS ...making them slightly bigger.

Also note that Ammonia is eliminated in the urine, so any silver chloride that HAD been converted and DIDN'T plate onto colloidal particles, would come out that end with the ammonia.
 If MOST of it does, that sorta confirms the theory.


At 05:44 PM 1/30/2010 -0600, you wrote:
I am familiar with that theory. Ammonia will disolve silver chloride. But if the silver chloride was disolved by ammonia it would be removed by the liver since the silver would be in solution. But if you look at the Altman study it is the kidney that is removing the excess silver and the kidney removes particles.
- Steve N

From: Neville Munn <>
To: <>
Sent: Sat Jan 30 17:35:19 2010
Subject: RE: CS>WHY EIS is less likely to cause Argyria!



Subject: Re: CS>WHY EIS is less likely to cause Argyria!
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 17:21:05 -0600

What is his theory?
- Steve N

From: Neville Munn <>
To: <>
Sent: Sat Jan 30 17:15:45 2010
Subject: RE: CS>WHY EIS is less likely to cause Argyria!

Steve, I meant to thank you for those questions you put on here a couple days ago.

Don't know if you've read Stuart Thompson's hypothesis regarding stomack acid and silver, unfortunately the whole story is unavailable, but what little remains available in the public domain of a discussion on the subject is a very good teaser, but at this point in time, given the limited information available, I believe I'm running with his theory.


Subject: Re: CS>WHY EIS is less likely to cause Argyria!
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 14:24:28 -0600

[That EIS forms silver chloride in the stomach is considered argumentative by some but I think it is clearly the case. ]

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