May be digressing here a little but still...Not arguing, but rather just 
picking up on this aspect from your post...


[The conclusion is the silver ion concentration in the body is insufficient by 
itself to have any effect on bacteria and viruses.]

IGNORING any potential debate in relation to efficacy of ions vs particles, and 
coming strictly from a laymans viewpoint {I know nothing of science, well praps 
just enough to keep me getting *into* trouble}, this is my reasoning for 
administering a solution higher in ionic content rather than a stabilized EIS 
in some circumstances, and this reasoning was determined from all literature I 
have read over several years EIS related.


EIS of a stabilized solution is what I term a 'passive' solution...ion/particle 
ratio and colour irrelevant, and can be used for anything and will be 
efficacious for anything {arguable of course, as anything can be}.


However, EIS of a higher *ionic* silver content I term an 'active' be used in emergency or for some other purpose as determined by 
me at the time.


Example {at the risk of repeating myself, sorry}: Shingles...although any EIS 
would probly be effective {I don't know?} I used a solution IMMEDIATELY after 
cessation of production to maximise the highest intake {swirling under tongue 
for few minutes before swallowing} of a predominantly ionic silver solution, 
and repeated this procedure for several days {two 250-300ml glasses a day} and 
each batch produced was ingested within hours of production.  On thinking back 
on it I could/should have sprayed some on the affected areas as well. Oh, and I 
used rainwater to achieve a high total silver content in rapid time frame using 
an old non current controlled battery unit I dug out the cupboard.


I started to administer this EIS as soon as Shingles was diagnosed, the 
observable symptoms at that time were swelling {lumps}, rash and pain becoming 
evident {later to become excrutiating} on side and back of head and ear and 
going down one side of the neck and shoulder region, possibly lower, I failed 
to note how far it went.  Unfortunately I can't remember if a 'treatment' 
prescription was given, if it were it was not used/taken, I do know pain 
killers were given...and WERE used/taken.


It can be said, and it was at the time by one, that his case was a mild 
case...I would argue this and praps agree that he did not break out in such a 
way as I have seen in some photo's, nevertheless I believe it was a good enough 
case.  Who knows? Praps the EIS actually worked and kept it under control.


I considered the electrically charged ionic silver component was more 'active' 
in attacking the ailment whereas a stabilized solution may not have been as 
effective, nothing to prove that, just my opinion.


I can dig my record out but from memory he was, for all intent and purposes, 
completely over it in around 12 days, and he suffered with considerable pain 
for probly half of that time.  I recall he only had a handful of 'blisters?' 
actually break open, and I mean a handful, praps up to half a dozen, the rest 
seemed to just disappear suggesting to me that they 'healed?' from the inside 
before they had a chance to develop 'large enough?' to break open.


The thing that stuck in my mind the most from all this was the lack of 
'breakout' of those blisters, {and he had PLENTY of those I can assure you}, 
they seemed to just disappear over time of treatment.  I have no way of knowing 
if normal or stabilized EIS would have done the same job but would propose the 
electrically charged ionic component was more 'aggresive?' so to speak toward 
the condition hence my determination of WHAT to use for WHAT purpose.


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