Richard Goodwin wrote:
I keep hearing that: once silver ions hit the salty stomach or blood, they become silver chloride...

But, something was already x-chloride in both stomach and blood -- sodium chloride?

So what does silver do? Push the sodium aside and take over the chloride ions? How does it do that? And what happens to the sodium ions? Or does an excess of positive ions of whatever kind go unmatched with the lesser number of negative ones?
Silver like any other element will react in such a way that it goes from less stable to more stable. The order of stability for silver compounds was posted on this list by me just a couple of weeks ago. If you look at it you will see that silver citrate is MORE stable than silver chloride, and thus will not convert from the citrate state to the chloride state when it enters the stomach, or blood stream. In the stomach the silver combines with the HCl in the stomach, producing silver chloride if it is of a less stable form than silver chloride. For example the silver hydroxide AgOH in EIS will combine with HCl in the stomach producing AgCl and H2O, dihydrogen monoxide, also known as water. However silver nitrate will produce nitric acid when it reacts with HCl, and is why it is so corrosive and toxic.




*From:* "Norton, Steve" <>
*Sent:* Fri, February 5, 2010 5:59:46 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>moon on fingernails? -- how much do you use?

I was skirting this because it is a secondary issue. Silver ions are very active and will form compounds with the first substance it can. Silver ions do not survive the digestive system as free ions. They probably react with stomach acid to primarily form silver chloride. The silver may also react with other substances such as ammopnia to form other compounds. But they do not remain as silver ions.
- Steve N

*From*: poast <>
*To*: <>
*Sent*: Fri Feb 05 16:03:24 2010
*Subject*: Re: CS>

Hello Steve,
OK, I am beginning to understand. I have looked at the Altman paper, but have not studied it. I will take another look at it, in detail. If I may present a somewhat weak argument... Doesn't it stand to reason that if you take more, you will not only ingest more ions, but also more particles. Perhaps the elimination through the kidney is just because there is more of both in the body... Back to the books, for now. Thanks. Tom
    ----- Original Message -----
    *From:* Norton, Steve <>
    *To:* <>
    *Sent:* Friday, February 05, 2010 10:43 AM
    *Subject:* CS>


    I am not suggesting daily use over use as needed. There was a time
    when I first used EIS I used it several times a day. It allowed me
    to get off a long term dependence on antibiotics. Now I take it
    when I think I need it.

    As to why I think that large doses of EIS do not significantly
    increase the effectiveness of EIS is a little more complex and
    somewhat controversial. It has to do with how EIS is processed in
    the body. The best clue to that comes from the Altman Silver
    Excretion Study. You can find the study at the Silver Medicine web
    site. Unfortunately the study pnly provides clues but not
    definitive answers. That is where the interpretation I mentioned
    in may previous post is important.

    IMO the important issue is whether the silver eliminated by the
    kidney is is in solution or particulate form. Silver in solution
    is far more active than silver in particulate form. There are
    varying opinions on that question. One of the more popular
    theories is that it is a soluble silver/ammonia compound is formed
    and since it contains ammonia it is removed by the kidney. However
    I have found that one of the most likely ammonia compounds,
    Ag(NH3)2, is eliminated by the liver and not the kidney. While I
    cannot say it with absolute certainly, my research indicates that
    all silver compounds in solution are removed by the liver.

    For various reasons it appaers that taking large ammounts of EIS
    predominately increases the amount of silver that excretes through
    the kidney which is therefore the much less effective particulate
    form. So I suggested two complementary methods that will increase
    the silver that is in solution while reducing the amount in
    particulate form. One is holding additional EIS in the mouth to
    allow transport of silver ions through the mucosal tissues without
    swallowing. The other is contained in the note regarding the use
    of Gatortade.
    I hope this helps.

     - Steve

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: poast <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Fri Feb 05 11:03:13 2010
    Subject: Re: CS>moon on fingernails? -- how much do you use?

    Hello Steve,

    I am totally new to EIS, so please be gentle with me...

    Your opinion seems to be that the best use EIS is to maintain a
    level in the
    body through daily use.  You also indicate that you don't think
    that a large
    dose of EIS is effective.

    As I ponder this I find myself finding it difficult to
    understand.  It would
    seem that if your body was "invaded" by a bunch of "bad guys" they
    overwhelm the "good guys" in your body, and an influx of a large
    "good guy"
    army would help win the war.

    I know this is over simplified, but isn't the idea to expose the
    "bad guys"
    to a concentration of the EIS?

    I am probably missing a lot, but any "big picture" concepts would
    be greatly


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