I stopped by the local Indian Grocery, very cool place. Clean, well organized, good scents, not like the Chinese Groceries that smell of rotting socks and dead fish, hehe.

Anyway, my eyes were treated to rows and rows of bulk, high ORAC herbs and spices, as far as the eye can see. I picked up a huge bag of /ground cloves/ (powder) for almost nothing, this is expensive stuff, cloves are very medicinal. I purchased some type of powder for brushing your teeth, about the only thing English on it was "Teeth good clean". Worth a try for a buck. I picked up some soaps to try, one is only Neem, Soap, Camphor, what a great combination for soap. Another bar I got said only "Medicine Soap", and had 18 herbs and spices in it, can't wait to try that. One bar of soap was called "Swastika Soap", I had to buy that. Of course it has the non-reversed swastik, which is a symbol of purity, and life, not the reversed Nazi one. I plan on dropping the wrapper in front of a Synagoge. (just kidding)

I bought 2 boxes of pure, natural camphor. Each box contains 20 individual packets at 10 grams each, so that's actually quite a lot of pure 100% camphor. Couple squares in each closet and we're good to go with that. You can easily melt it down for whatever you want as well, make your own stuff like Steve says. Very strong scent, I love it. They had giant bags of Turmeric, which I recommend people purchase and add to as many dishes as possible, it's a potent liver cleanser and high ORAC product. I keep a 1 pound sack on hand, and anything in my home that I cook has a yellow tint. <grin> I sort of treat my kitchen like an apothecary, I'm basically making healing substances for people when I cook, and treat it as a sacred endeavor.

The shop had a good vibe, and in fact most stuff in there was pretty high vibration. Unlike the cursed trash from dark corporations in most US stores, this place was actually energetically pleasant to shop in. (Cal. 500)
bodhisattva wrote:
Camphor comes in several varieties. Camphor Yellow, or pure unrefined camphor is tough to find, it's fairly toxic, and was used in illicit drug manufacturing so (they) claim. It was also extremely medicinal in tiny dosages, and cured cancer. Distilled White Camphor isn't toxic unless a fairly large quantity is consumed, but then so is water, right? This is the real stuff you find around from essential oil companies, and is great for cleaning and working around the home, and safe.

Camphor "blocks" and other things, are almost 100% guaranteed to be synthetic camphor, which is usually from China, and which is toxic. It doesn't take a whole lot of the fake stuff to cause problems. Kids were eating the blocks, and having trouble. But even this was quite rare, and very isolated, bad parents. Other camphor, such as wood chips, edible, and other things is really quite non-toxic.

Camphor was used when I was a kid to kill "Astral-Induced-Colds" otherwise known as "Influenza", which means something similar "Astral Cold" in early lingo. It was recognized (correctly) back then that these matters were occult influenced, hence the name influenza (Night Astral Visitation, etc). It is also recognized that it just so happens - camphor is effective against this. Wonder why the govt. wants effective, natural camphor out of the hands of the people? Probably why virtually everything they 'promote' sort of sets people up for harmful occult influence - like poisoning your body, and screwing up your meridians. We've been setup!

Anyway, as an energy sensitive, I detect incoming cold/flu as electrical pulses around my face. I stop them by dabbing camphor (monkey, tiger, whatever) at specific spots on my face, and going back to sleep. Haven't had a cold or flu in half a decade. Dab on each temple just back from the eye, dab on your third eye, dab on your nose, under your nose as well. You are good to go, no more 'occult' influence'za.

Camphor(the real stuff) has spiritual significance in many traditions. Buddha called camphor one of the 7 great substances. I do recall reading studies where camphor cured metastasized cancer through introduction to lymph nodes. It has a ton of uses, I keep a big bottle around the home, and it sees regular use. But edible camphor is the ticket for the satchels I want to hang in my closet to dispel stagnant energies. in Feng Shui, Camphor collectives negative energies of all types, and dissolves it into the ether as it dissolves and leaves no traces.

Ode Coyote wrote:
If you feel a need for more Camphor, you can still buy it as a pure oil or block and I suppose you can still eat it and get a buzz...or if too much, die. Looks as though kids were having seizure problems with the fumes. Camphor is quite toxic, after all. Usefully toxic, with caution. Vicks VR apparently has enough to still work and kill a mite or tick...which was the point.
I've heard similar ruminations about how Prep H was ruined.

Might put half the blame on idiotic people?


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