Indirectly it's mandated though, that is, strong arm tactics and threats of enforcement or whatever. That's how they work, often not through direct action.

For example, Chris Gussa was selling cures, and making claims as such. The FDA didn't mandate anything on him, but they certainly 'threatened' him repeatedly until he had to switch to 'code words' for natural cancer treatments. So the FDA keeps the image to the sleepers that it's there to help them, not overly heavy handed, and everybody appears happy. All done with a simple letter, visitations, and covert intimidation.

Govt mandated chemical washing or irradiation of Almonds though, no doubt about that. So in some cases they do this.. However not one to dwell on the negative, I like to find solutions more than complain.

Ode Coyote wrote:

Things are irradiated because if one in a thousand consumers gets sick, an entire regional crop is recalled and composted...a wonderful way to go bankrupt.
It's cheaper to irradiate everything than to pay off one lawsuit.
It's not a matter of enjoyment, but self defense...and not mandated by Gov't.


At 04:44 PM 6/2/2010 -0400, you wrote:
Sadly, you are right, our govt. seems to enjoy radiating everything these days. It's ridiculous. Anyway, the cloves have 2 disharmonious freqs in them, which of course will be pulled out. They calibrate at 600, once I pulled the 2 bad freqs, they jumped to around 850.

Renee wrote:
Just be sure you do 'something' with those herbs, because they are all radiated when they are brought in. It's to kill any bugs hidden in the spices.

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-------Original Message-------

Anyway, my eyes were treated to rows and rows of bulk, high ORAC herbs
and spices, as far as the eye can see.  I picked up a huge bag of
/ground cloves/ (powder) for almost nothing, this is expensive stuff,
cloves are very medicinal.

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