It's the electro-chemicals produced BY the DC current that transmits the DC current that kills the microbes.

Electrical current doesn't travel in a liquid like it does in a wire, it creates ion exchange chemicals from blood and electrolyte salt to transport electrons around.

One [Hypochlorus Acid ] is very similar to MMS. only a LOT safer as you can control concentrations and locations in real time with the twist of a potentiometer knob or Off switch, while, with are stuck with assimilating whatever dose you took and too high a dose can be quite dangerously toxic.



Get yourself a baby Godzilla device and use it on the bite pronto. It will kill any parassite or microbe that may have been implanted. Go to microelectricitygermkiller group on Yahoo. They have pictures on how to make your own from batteries, wire, and sponges. You can buy a good on from "V" at Good luck. The direct DC current at around 6 volts is what kills the microbes.


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