LiveJournal is a good one. I believe it's free. You can run a copy of it on your own servers privately. However I don't know how to do that. If you're interested you'd have to ask the techies at LJ how it's done. As far as I'm concerned it's better than Yahoo, Facebook, MySpace or any other I've run across. I love the platform and the ability to do page customization with CSS and HTML. And you get email notifications of new posts, or just replies to specific posts you're interested in. Private messaging. And whole slew of other features. Posting can also be done by clients such as Semagic, and Firefox addons. Otherwise you could just set up your own private network with a server or two like businesses do and anyone who wants to access the private network would need a password. Then you'd have complete control of everything.


On 8/28/2010 4:05 PM, M. G. Devour wrote:
Yep, I understand the appeal of the Yahoo Groups and similar platforms'
user and management interfaces. They've improved over the years and are
pretty darned good these days.

The best thing about them is you can still sign up for e-mails, if you
don't mind some advertising lumped in with your content, or you can
just as easily browse them at the web site.

If I could come up with a similar system that ran on a server that I
could control and have ownership of the subscriber list and messages, I
would be all over it like white on rice!

I'm definitely not saying I won't be making changes. As soon as
something good comes together, by whatever means, I'll make the move.
It's not happened yet, however.


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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