Presumably this was squamous cell? Anyway, we treated successfully with a black salve now called Centreforce from Queensland, but same ingredients as Cansema, and called cansema at the time. Lasts for years, and if anything appears again, can be treated again very easily.

Many other salves and plant juices also used successfully by others. A friend of mine also successfully treated melanoma herself, as well as many other skin cancers, the legacy of her youth in the sun

She also treated her breast cancer with black salve and it
came away OK.
She had uterine cancer, and had just the tumour taken away, with no
other treatment.
She felt pain in areas which were later identified by a naturopath as
the lymphatic glands the operated area would be using; she applied black
salve to these areas and in due course the pain went away.  One skin cancer 
treated on her face proved to be growing into an
artery, and when it shrank the artery leaked blood and she had to attend

Chickweed apparently does not leave a big scar, but while it is working
it oozes and stinks.
You gather the chickweed from your garden and use the sap.

I just found where I wrote it up for someone once:

Treating Ca with Black Salve or Chickweed:

When I was away in the city recently, I was given a lift a few times by
a lady I shall call Kate.  In conversation she mentioned a friend who
had breast cancer, but who had wasted precious time being treated by a
"natural" guy who turned out to be a charlatan.

I asked whether this lady had tried herbs, or whether it might be worth
researching black salve.

"Oh, Black Salve," said Kate, in a meaningful tone of voice.

"Yes," I said.  "Some women have even treated their own breast cancer
with it."

"I did," said Kate.


"I did."

It turned out that Kate had spent a lot of time in the sun on a boat in
New Zealand in her youth, and in recent years suffered skin cancers on
her face - basal cell, squamous cell, and even melanoma.  She showed me
the scars.  The melanoma scar was on her neck, under the chin near her
ear.  She pointed to a scar on her temple.  "This one started bleeding,"
she said, "and I ended up having to go to hospital.  The roots were in
the temporal artery.  They kept asking me what I had been doing, but I
didn't tell them.  I just said I was under the care of a dermatologist."

The breast cancer she treated just a few months ago, in March of this
year (2009).  She applied the black salve, a ring formed, and the cancer
started to come out. She just applied it topically; she didn't do
anything to get it to the lump.  And yes, it was painful.  While this
was happening she fell and broke her leg in three places (she was still
hobbling with a stick).  The breast cancer was more painful than that.
One day it came out, in all its tentacled glory, and she said it was
moving even though it was out of her.  I didn't have time to ask many
questions, as we got to our destination, so I don't know whether the
cancer pulsated or moved in some other way, but I hope to be able to ask
her later on.  I did ask if she minded me sharing this information.  She
was willing.

She said that in future she wouldn't use black salve on the face because
of the big scar it leaves, but she would use chick weed. (Jethro Kloss
in "Back to Eden" says it is one of the best remedies for external
application to ... skin diseases, tumors, cancer, and all kinds of
also lists chickweed as being used in treating cancer.)  Here in
Australia, however, one has to wait until winter before it grows.  She
says the action is quite different with the chickweed - I think she said
it kind of oozes away.

She originally heard of black salve through someone who ordered it from
America to treat cancer in a dog.  She was able to source it locally,
though that person no longer makes it.

She said that prior to treating her breast cancer the armpit on the left
side was always smelly.  After the cancer came out it stopped being smelly.

As if all that wasn't enough, she'd also had ovarian cancer.  She'd had
certain symptoms for some time, but the doctors didn't come up with
anything.  Then one day she saw a TV program, where women were told that
if they had certain symptoms they should ask their doctor whether it
might be ovarian cancer.  She did so, and was given an ultrasound.  She
did have ovarian cancer.  She told the doctor she only wanted the lump
taken away, not any lymph glands, and didn't want radiation, chemo, or
blood transfusion.  The surgeon was very unpleasant, but the
anaesthetist told her, "I'm the person who keeps you alive, and I
guarantee you won't be given anything you don't want."

The lump was taken away.  She found later that she had pain in three
places on the same side.  She applied the black salve to those places,
and in time the pain went away.  I can't remember whether she said there
was any ooze.  Later, she told a naturopath about it, and was told that
those three places corresponded to the site of lymph glands.

What a woman!

I would also research herbs for cancer and take infusions or whatever form you choose to take.
I'm sure you won't forget CS either - we cleaned the wound with that.

I finally got through my cataract operation and felt I better get it checked out...I was sent to a dermatologist and she walked in the room, looked at it and said "you have cancer" and pointed to a picture of four kinds on the wall and said but you have the "good one" I just about fell off the chair.

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