I totally reject the "false cansema" claim in respect of Centreforce, but thankyou, Jonathan, for your good intent in "warning" me about the company.

In fact, I went to the altcancer site quite some time ago to make a purchase in order to support and honour its founder in his renewed business life, but when I saw what was written there I left the site and decided not to do business there.

When he was in prison, who thought he would ever be able to do business again? But some "kept the flag flying" and produced the black salve. OK, maybe in hindsight using the Cansema name was a mistake, but it was honouring the "memory" of who and what had gone before, believing that the Cansema empire was destroyed.

The fact is that the Centreforce "Cansema" salve worked, and worked well.

When he got out of prison and picked up the business again, he not only complained, he vilified. It was a long time before he withdrew his Centreforce accusations from his website (if he has). In the meantime, Centreforce had been in touch but were ignored, from memory.

I wish him well, but I don't want to do business with hotheads. I'm sorry he's hysterical, but it's not my fault and I don't need my blood pressure affected by reading what he has to say and how he says it (or said it, when I visited his site, which I don't propose doing again).

I absolutely oppose the "naming and shaming" of Centreforce in his lists. I had been familiar with the story of Bevan Potter for some years, and why he went into the business of making this salve. I might add that in Queensland when the cockies (farmers) get a skin cancer, they just put cansema on it. They are not specifiying a brand, they are just calling an anti-cancer black salve cansema. Centreforce black salve DOES work. We are witness to that. And Bevan Potter honoured the memory and achievements of the altcancer guy in writing and even in naming the salve. That is just what it was called over there, any such salve with those ingredients. Potter wasn't taking the credit himself.

I was as surprised as anyone - and glad, in fact - when this person was let out of jail and went back into business. He may well have had reason to be angry with people he knew who had done him wrong. I question the wisdom of spreading his complaints across the net, but it's his life. But as far as I am aware, he refused for a very, very long time to enter into dialogue with Bevan Potter or remove the accusations he was making. This story of polite letters is not historical as far as I am aware.

About any other company, I don't know. I am here to say only that in the case of Centreforce Salve, as produced by Bevan Potter of Queensland, the salve is effective. The intent was honourable, and based on Potter's own life experience and enthusiasm.

And I still won't be doing business with the "original" maker, even though he does offer some things I am very interested in. He blotted his human being copybook too well. I'm sorry for that, but that sort of talk makes me ill, and I don't propose letting flamers do that if I can help it.


On 14/09/2010 7:30 AM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
From Altcancer.com  website:

Fake Product Compensation  Program Announced

The success of AO Lab products in the alternative health care community is well-established. (A Google search for Cansema® yields over 9,000 pages . . . it takes several hours just to read our four web pages of customer testimonials connected to Cansema®). There is no success that does not attract opportunistic imitators. The legal attack against AO Labs by the FDA in 2003 attracted several such imitators. Because Cansema® has been in use since we created it in 1991 and we are the holder of the U.S. trademark, we sent polite letters to various violators to cease and desist in using our web pages, copyrighted material, and trademarks.
Our pleas have been ignored.
The most serious aspect of these violations is that the imitations don't work as well, if they work at all. They are not the original product. For a period of four years, we attempted to work with the FDA to put a stop to the fraud. We even sent them a small sampling of the hundreds of complaint letters we received.
They did nothing.
Because of the adulteration and misbranding involved in the McAdams operation -- whose primary sites are Bloodroot Products.com and RisingSun Health.com -- we can only assume that this is an FDA renegade operation is to permit, foster, and protect illegal product. By working less effectively, they will hopefully convince people that alternatives are inferior to mainstream pharmaceuticals. This would make perfectly good sense and is consistent with their overall modus operandi, as documented in numerous books by Lynne McTaggart, Leonard Horowitz, John Abramson, Joseph Mercola, John Morgenthaler -- to name just a few. Please see our Compensation for Fake Product page if you have purchased product from the following or any other companies illegally using our trademarks, Cansema®, CanSupport (TM), Alpha Omega Labs (TM), or our domain names: altcancer.com (TM), herbhealers.com (TM), or alphaomegalabs.com (TM).

Jennifer Wilson (Australia)
George S. Ackerson
(FDA informant)

On Monday, Sep 13, 2010, at 15:43 Asia/Tokyo, Rowena wrote:

 Presumably this was squamous cell?  Anyway, we treated successfully
with a black salve now called Centreforce from Queensland, but same ingredients as Cansema, and called cansema at the time. Lasts for years, and if anything appears again, can be treated again very > easily.

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