From  website:

Fake Product Compensation  Program Announced

The success of AO Lab products in the alternative health care community is well-established. (A Google search for Cansema® yields over 9,000 pages . . . it takes several hours just to read our four web pages of customer testimonials connected to Cansema®). There is no success that does not attract opportunistic imitators. The legal attack against AO Labs by the FDA in 2003 attracted several such imitators. Because Cansema® has been in use since we created it in 1991 and we are the holder of the U.S. trademark, we sent polite letters to various violators to cease and desist in using our web pages, copyrighted material, and trademarks.
Our pleas have been ignored.
The most serious aspect of these violations is that the imitations don't work as well, if they work at all. They are not the original product. For a period of four years, we attempted to work with the FDA to put a stop to the fraud. We even sent them a small sampling of the hundreds of complaint letters we received.
They did nothing.
Because of the adulteration and misbranding involved in the McAdams operation -- whose primary sites are Bloodroot and RisingSun -- we can only assume that this is an FDA renegade operation is to permit, foster, and protect illegal product. By working less effectively, they will hopefully convince people that alternatives are inferior to mainstream pharmaceuticals. This would make perfectly good sense and is consistent with their overall modus operandi, as documented in numerous books by Lynne McTaggart, Leonard Horowitz, John Abramson, Joseph Mercola, John Morgenthaler -- to name just a few. Please see our Compensation for Fake Product page if you have purchased product from the following or any other companies illegally using our trademarks, Cansema®, CanSupport (TM), Alpha Omega Labs (TM), or our domain names: (TM), (TM), or (TM).
Jennifer Wilson (Australia)
George S. Ackerson
(FDA informant)

On Monday, Sep 13, 2010, at 15:43 Asia/Tokyo, Rowena wrote:

 Presumably this was squamous cell?  Anyway, we treated successfully
with a black salve now called Centreforce from Queensland, but same ingredients as Cansema, and called cansema at the time. Lasts for years, and if anything appears again, can be treated again very > easily.

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