Thanks for the quick responses!  I'm now recalling what someone recently told 
me; that the third constituent of a remedial regime includes vitamin B5, a.k.a. 
Pantothenic Acid.  The first two constituents are, of course, are Glucosamine 
and Chondroitin.

If this is true I'll certainly return to this regime, though I would probably 
make the assumption that one cap daily of the B5, at 500mg. would be adequate. 
I'm certainly not averse to other, prospective remedies, and in fact I 
earnestly solicit these.  However I would tend to favor whatever has a basis in 

I'm sure that there are otherwise some prospective remedies that have an 
anecdotal basis, but I'm most inclined to reasoned approaches. Again, the 
frequent assertion here, that *there are no incurable illnesses...* has been 

Reid Harvey

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