I often wonder, when people say CMO doesn't work for them,  if they have
used the plant based version of it.  That isn't what the body needs/uses to
restore the ligaments, etc.  It needs animal based CMO.  From what I've seen
 just about all CMO except Jarrow, is now plant based.  

So if anyone is going to try CMO, do get Jarrow animal derived CMO.  I got
some of the last true beef CMO from a man that made it himself, and it
worked in 10 days for my brothers years long hip pain (in both hips
actually).  He continued taking it for 30 days as I had suggested, but the
pain stopped in 10 days and has not come back.  It's been a year now.  

I have also heard good things about borax.

-------Original Message-------
I have tried CMO, which works for some people.  It is not a cure for
me, but it may have reduced the symptoms in general, but I can't
really tell for sure.