How can I tell if it is plant or animal based?  Mine says made for The
Vitamin Shoppe.  A Proprietary Blend of Fatty Acid Esters. I have been
taking it for 30 days, with no results.  I have Osteoarthritis in both

On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 5:32 PM, Renee <> wrote:

>     I often wonder, when people say CMO doesn't work for them,  if they
> have used the plant based version of it.  That isn't what the body
> needs/uses to restore the ligaments, etc.  It needs animal based CMO.  From
> what I've seen, just about all CMO except Jarrow, is now plant based.
> So if anyone is going to try CMO, do get Jarrow animal derived CMO.  I got
> some of the last true beef CMO from a man that made it himself, and it
> worked in 10 days for my brothers years long hip pain (in both hips
> actually).  He continued taking it for 30 days as I had suggested, but the
> pain stopped in 10 days and has not come back.  It's been a year now.
> I have also heard good things about borax.
> Samala,
> Renee
> *-------Original Message-------*
> I have tried CMO, which works for some people.  It is not a cure for
> me, but it may have reduced the symptoms in general, but I can't
> really tell for sure.


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