Well, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they had to stop coffee
before!  I know coffee drinkers that took CMO and never said they quit.  

But--although this seems like a super healer for everyone, remember--it's
just like everything else.  Nothing works for everyone and anything will
work for someone.

Which just means that I've run across a very small number of people who've
said they've used the correct CMO and didn't get any results, and another
small group of people that said they used it and got a tiny bit of results
that weren't much better than any other arthritis supplement they've taken.

The ones it seems to work for, it works miracles.

Most people only have to take it the one 'round', usually consisting of
between 21 to 40 days.  30 days seems to be the most common amount.  They
say even if, like my brother, you get relief in 10 days (which is common)
not to stop, but to continue taking it for 30 days.

There have been a couple people that have done the first round, and it
worked, but then in 6 months to 2 years later the pain came back.  Another
round of it seemed then to 'finish' the job.  

So all I can say is try it, just making sure you get bovine produced CMO. 
The added supplements don't seem to be necessary for some people.  I know
one lady that needs the enzymes with it to be able to digest it properly. 
She's one of the ones that it helps, but not much better than other
arthritis supplements.

For the ones that it truly works on, their bodies seem to take it without
need for enzymes or other supplements.  It does seem to work best if taken
with other fatty foods, as it is a fat.  

It also works on dog's arthritis.  I don't believe I've ever heard anyone
mention cat arthritis though.

-------Original Message-------
Myristin CMO is animal based, too.  They say:
We're the family company of the discoverer of cetyl myristoleate (CMO), 
W. Diehl.  EHP Products has been marketing CMO since 1996, and is  the only
company in the world to offer a 40% CMO softgel.