Hi Kirsteen
I am a cancer survivor....lemme tell you how I did it.
1) start a regimen of Essiac Tea. Essiac is an immune builder and cancer
fighter. Take it before and after starting chemo or radiation.
Chemo/radiation breaks down you immune system. You will need it. Do NOT take
while doing chemo, as it may affect how the chemo works.
2) take a very strong pro-biotic. You need the p-b's too keep your "good"
bacteria going.
3) start taking a good quality hemp oil.....if you can find a source. Go
online and watch Rick Simpson's "Run from the cure"
4) get outside daily.....and exercise daily to keep your system oxygenated.
5) Listen very closely to your body.....as to what to eat.....how to
6) eat organically
7) stay hydrated....even if not in the mood
   This will keep you as strong and healthy as possible and give you your
best shot at beating a very beatable disease.
Good luck
god bless

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 5:39 AM, Kirsteen Wright <
kirsteen.falcons...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All
> I'm about to undergo a course of Chemotherapy and Herceptin followed by
> surgery for an aggressive breast and lymph node cancer.
> Can I first of all please ask, no advice not to have it. I find that really
> upsetting as it's already a done deal and will be going ahead. What I was
> hoping someone could advise me is what to take to mitigate the effects of
> the chemo. I already have M.E. so am laid up a lot of the time in bed with
> that with accompanying shakes, nausea, dizziness and swollen glands.
> Obviously the chemo will make all this worse so is there anything I can take
> to ease the side effects?
> Thanks in advance
> Kirsteen