Yes, continue with the vibration as it increases blood circulation.  And--do
hot and cold treatments.  Twice a day would be best, but at least once a day
if that's all you can do.  Dr. Christopher saved many toes and feet from
being amputated this way.

Get 2 buckets.  Fill one with as hot water as the person can stand, and keep
a kettle of hot water close by to add as the water cools.  Fill the other
with ice water, and leave ice cubes floating in it.  

They put a foot in the hot water for as long as they can stand it, then
immediately into the cold water for as long as they can stand it.  Then back
to the hot, then cold, and so on, for as long as they want or are able. 
Usually a person only has the foot in each water bucket for 30 seconds to a

This alone has saved feet.  The hot/cold forces the blood in and out of the
area.  The gangrene is due to lack of blood circulation.

Also, cayenne tincture rubbed in will bring circulation.  You should be able
to buy a tincture in a health food store.  Cayenne will bring blood to an
area and though it may sting to rub it in, it will not damage skin--and if
there is damaged skin it will help repair the skin.

-------Original Message-------
 BTW  he started using a vibration platform ten minutes three times a day
and it seems to be helping with the circulation to his feet.  We shall see.