Marshall <> wrote:

  > So you are right, and every reference I can find is wrong. I guess
  > that is  possible, but I have a hard time believing  it.  Here are
  > some more:

  >solubility = 13.3 ppm


  >silver hydroxide     AgOH    20C     1.52x10^-8


  > In this  method, free hydroxyl ions (OH^-) in the  water initially
  > react with the positive silver electrode to make  silver hydroxide
  > (AgOH).

  > Starting with pure water, and pure silver, Silver hydroxide is the
  > only product  that  can  be initially  made.  Silver  hydroxide is
  > unstable though and rapidly decomposes to silver oxide Ag_2  O. If
  > you remember  your  high school chemistry,  the  reaction forumula
  > would be:

  >2AgOH --> Ag_2 O + H_2 O

  >   solubility
  > constant is  1X10^-8,   and   silver   hydroxide  silver hydroxide
  > spontaneously converts to silver oxide (was unable to get  text to
  > copy, so paraphrasing.

  > There are many more.


  Marshall, thanks  for  replying.  There are  several  ways  this can
  happen. One author might be talking about some other issue  and this
  comes up as a side topic. He does a quick calculation, and  it looks
  good, so  he publishes it without verifying if it is true.  A second
  author might  come across it, assume the first  author  verified it,
  and he publishes it without verification. And so on.

  Pretty soon  you have five authors all saying the same thing.  So it
  must be correct, right? Maybe and maybe not. They all might  just be
  copying each other. There is so much crud in chemistry  - unbalanced
  equations, missing  half  of redox  equations,  and  blatantly wrong
  analysis, you simply have to check everything. As you well know.

  Frank's solubility  calculation  that  you  reference  is  a typical
  example. He states:

  "The method  by  which  one  calculates  the  solubility  of  a weak
  electrolyte or  a  compound of low solubility is to  start  with the
  compound and let it dissociate in water"

  The problem is he assumes silver hydroxide is soluble. But  he never
  did any experiments to see if that was true or not.  The calculation
  doesn't prove  AgOH  is soluble, it merely assumes  that  is  is and
  merrily proceeds with the calculation.

  Marshall, I  would   really   like   for   you   to  do  the thermal
  decomposition experiment  for  silver hydroxide. It  is  one  of the
  easiest of all to perform, since it occurs at such a low temperature
  - barely enough to cook hamburger, if you can wait that long:)

  But there  is  something magic when you see the  black  deposit turn
  gray right  in  front of your eyes. It reaches  somewhere  deep down
  inside and  you suddenly realize that what these  people  are saying
  could actually harm you. So you begin to wonder what  other mistakes
  they have made, and what is the real truth about what is happening.

  And that is the key part.

  I could  stand here all day long and tell you, but  that  won't have
  any effect.  But  when  that part of you deep  down  inside  sees it
  happening, everything  changes. And that may start a  lifelong quest
  to uncover the truth. Which you already have part of.

  Marshall, I would really like you to join the SilverCentral forum.

  I am  trying  to reach a group of talented  individuals  who  have a
  passion for colloidal silver.

  I want to find out why a high silver ion concentration works so much
  better than  a  weak   solution,   and  how  a  20 parts-per-billion
  concentration in  the blood can be so effective  at  eliminating all
  kinds of  pathogens,  from Herpes Simplex and Zoster,  to  the worst
  fungal infections you can imagine in the lungs.

  I have had all these, and a low silver ion concentration  had little
  or no effect. But as soon as I was able to learn how to dramatically
  increase the concentration, the healing was immediate.

  The answers to these questions may not be easy to find, and may take
  a lot of work with many false paths. But if we can find out  what is
  going on,  it could have tremendous benefits. For example,  it might
  be able to help people suffering from Lyme disease, and  other major
  pathogens that   are   difficult   or   impossible   to   treat with
  conventional methods.

  Of course,  to  study high-ionic solutions, you need to  be  able to
  make them.  I am still struggling with  the  MiniCell documentation,
  but I  can give you a head start. I have posted the  secrets  to the
  SilverCell process on the Yahoo forum. You should have no difficulty
  duplicating the results.

  Basically all it is is arranging the proper electrode configuration,
  with wide U-shape electrodes spaced far apart. One of the problems I
  had was my U-shape was far too narrow, so it was acting like a point
  source which put the Nernst Threshold well below my search region.

  The other  is  the Nernst Threshold current  is  extremely  sharp. A
  change of  as  little  as  10% in the  cell  current  will  make the
  difference between not generating any silver hydroxide  and starting
  to make lots of it.

  But now  that I know the threshold really exists, it should  be easy
  to find for any cell configuration, perhaps by using a simple binary

  There is additional information on the SilverCell process at

  I finally  found how to change the settings so anyone  can  view the
  archives without  having  to  log in. Hopefully  this  will  make it
  easier for others to look at the work being done to see if they want
  to join and be part of it.

  If you  do  decide to try the process, and  you  have  any comments,
  please post  them to the forum. It will soon become too  unwieldy to
  try to cover all the different forums, so I will be  wrapping things
  up here very soon and moving over to the new forum.

  Best Wishes,

  Mike Monett

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