On 9/14/2011 9:42 PM, Mike Monett wrote

   7. The black stuff that forms on the electrodes is silver hydroxide,
   AgOH, not silver oxide, Ag2O.

   Your statement is incorrect.

   You cannot produce silver Oxide, Ag2O, by using electrolysis.
As I pointed out before, Silver Hydroxide and Silver Oxide convert back and forth between each other when in water. Here is a reference for that:


2 AgOH ? Ag_2 O + H_2 O (/p/K <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equilibrium_constant> = 2.875^[5] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_oxide#cite_note-4> )

Also as I pointed out in a previous message, silver hydroxide decomposes into Silver oxide when it drys out. It does not occur except as a solution. Here they talk about that:


Thus, when on a wet electrode, it can be silver oxide or silver hydroxide, but when dried out it will always be silver oxide.
