[The current silver ion generators do not produce
> a high enough concentration to be useful in fighting them.]
# I'm not going to buy into any arguement with you lot, but this sounds a tad 
absurd to me.
Popular opinion from all and sundry in the public domain implies home made LVDC 
generators {or any other LVDC generator as far as I'm concerned} produce high 
ion content, how can this be so if the above statement is true?
Most everywhere one looks one will find statements of solutions containing 60% 
and up to 95% ion content.  Combine that with decades of testimonials of 
successful home produced EIS/CS usage and I find the above statement 
incredulous.  Are there differing forms of silver ions?  I think not.
I'm no chemist or hold any other qualifications, I'm just a mug punter {or just 
a mug if you like as I'm not phased} but now it sounds distinctly like a 
marketing blurb not unlike any other readily available in the public domain.
Ion content will be predominantly dependant on WHEN that solution is ingested 
surely.  To maximise ingestion of ion content, that solution should be ingested 
ASAP after production...Yes/No?  For every hour thereafter a percentage of 
those ions will be lost to ion clusters {particles} until a point of solution 
stabilization has been reached...Yes/No?
I contend that nobody can make hard and fast statements because most people 
will have there own design generator setups/procedures/practices and 
environments for the production thereof.
The above statement implies that anyone who produces their own product, using 
their own generator setups, produces a useless product?  Sorry, gotta take 
acception to that.
My lab analysis from 2008 showed a clear solution 10 days old was 51%/49% 
ion/particle ratio and another clear solution approximately 24 hours old was 
65%/35% ion/particle ratio.  What can I say?
Of course, some will probly say the lab didn't do something right or some such 
thing...phooee, I'm satisfied.