So regarding cancer, I looked into it in the past, and found a Dr. Phillpot
(spelling?) now deceased.  I ordered some of his printed reports, and the
gist of it is if I recall correcty, if you expose all areas of a tumor to
at least 20 gauss for 30 days continuously, using the correct magnet pole,
then the tumor will be dead by then according to his clinical experience.

He had a number of colleagues.  One is Dr. Dean Bonlie (I think he is a
dentist technically).  He has a company called magnetico sleep.  They sell
magnetic mattresses.  The highest end model I looked into and found out
that if you sleep on one of those, you are covering your entire body all
night long with around 15 gauss, based on how far you are from the surface
of the magnet, and the guass profile they gave me as a function of distance
from the surface of the magnet.

I spoke with Dr. Bonlie on the phone and he told me that although Dr.
Phillpot did great work, towards the end of his life, he lost mental
clarity, and did not make it clear that there is some potential harm in
using magnets next to the skin, as the field from the other pole (the one
you don't want) still wraps around and gets the body a little.  This is why
the magnetico sleep pads go UNDER the mattress.  The mattress is a buffer
that keeps you far enough away to not be exposed to the bad magnetic field
that is wrapping around from the other pole.  Then you are left with only
being exposed to the good field.

Also, my friend Scott recently published this excellent article on PEMF.
 Makes me really want to get one ($20,000 for the best unit though!)  Maybe

