The fluorescent light globes were said to give off something (sorry, don't  
remember what) that "causes cancer."  In the US, after June or July, we  
will not be able to buy the old incandescent bulbs any longer (to save power, 
we  are told).
I have had a smart meter, with no ill effects, except when it was first  
installed and I was afraid of it (at that time developed strong  headaches 
right after until I released my fears--then the headaches  went away and have 
not returned.  Without the fears of it I've had no  further symptoms).  
Back to what I was suggesting for experimentation--consider the effects of  
an explanation that causes fear.  What would be the results of believing  
the explanation and acting on the fear?  Who would benefit, and what are  the 
results from personal, or mass, acceptance?  If one does this  experiment 
consistently, some very amazing, life changing observable patterns  will 
emerge.  This method is so much simpler (anyone can do it) than  trying to 
figure out scientific "evidence" which is often not checkable without  
experience, and technical education.  
Also, consider that fear itself can cause negative manifestations; the  
plants in the watering experiment can probably pick up our fear.   
Consciousness may be the primal power, and whoever/whatever we allow to  
control our 
consciousness ascends to the position of power over us.  This  is very 
successfully done through the crafty release of disinformation.  To  this 
point, the 
wars of disinformation are conducted so successfully because  people are 
not aware of what is going on, focusing on the information, rather  than the 
intent and result.  Even actual physical wars could not be  enacted were it 
not for the disinformation accompanying them. 
In a message dated 5/10/2012 10:26:51 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

"Jane  MacRoss" <> wrote:
>I hear what  you're saying  Jill - so what does my Gauss meter tell me - 
that the  micowave even when off emits something that registers, as do the 
new light  globes, unlike the olde ones?  I will never like Smart Meters  

A microwave oven uses a magnetron to  convert the energy into microwaves.
There is a brief explanation in  Wikipedia:

The  magnetron requires very strong magnets to force the electrons to flow
in  circles past the cavities. You can barely see the magnets in the  photo
below. The bottom magnet is the black ring below the bottom cooling  fin.
The top magnet is almost completely hidden near the top of the  housing.


I  take old magnetrons apart and retrieve the magnets. They are very  useful
for picking up steel objects you may have dropped on the floor and  can't

They throw a strong field quite a distance outside the  microwave oven. If
you have a sensitive gauss meter, you will easily detect  the field. It is
usually on the right side of the oven about the middle.  There will be very
little field on the same location on the left side of  the oven because it
is further away from the magnetron. You can make the  same measurements with
an ordinary compass.

The magnetic field is  harmless. It is static, like the Earth's field. It
may actually be weaker  outside the oven than the fridge magnets you use to
save notes on the  fridge door.

The field from the magnetron is permanent. It does not  shut off when you
unplug the oven.

I don't know what you are  referring to when you talk about light globes. I
can't think of what might  be in them to register on your Gauss meter, but
if you gave a link to one,  I might be able to find out.

A Gauss meter measures DC static fields.  These cannot harm you. You are
immersed in a constant field from the Earth.  The mesurements you get from
the Gauss meter are not giving you any useful  information about any
dangerous conditions.


Mike  Monett

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