Spay Incontinence 
After a female dog is spayed, their level of the female hormone, 
estrogen, is significantly lower. Estrogen plays a part in constricting 
the sphincter muscles dogs use to urinate. The lack of estrogen means a 
lack of that tone needed to control her sphincter. The adrenal glands 
also produce estrogen, albeit in small amounts. This is usually enough 
to keep the sphincter muscles working properly, but in about 20% of 
cases, this isn't so. Male dogs also suffer this (with the lack of 
testosterone) however it's not generally as much of a problem as it is 
with female dogs. 

Read more: Spay Incontinence in Dogs - VetInfo 

 From: 123 456 <>
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2012 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Spay Incontinence in Dogs
Incontinence in any warm blooded mammal, human or otherwise, is
usually attributed to kidney functions being blocked or damaged in
some way.