<The lasering of the ears hits all of the acupuncture points in the  body. 
Sandi Radomski lasers the ears for allergy elimination purposes. I have  
done many different allergy elimination protocols with holding a vial in my 
left  hand and when I have used the ear method
This  will show how the elongated laser beam looks(She uses glass vials 
with the  laser beam)
Sounds like your teaching is right on. DR Gordon found that if I used the  
laser on my knee joint without removing my blue jeans the beam would carry 
blue  jean parts into my body, not good. That is why I tend to just hold the 
items.  Check out Sandis site and Andreas site. Brickey
Hi Brickey,
When I was trained in allergy treatment we were taught to  use glass baby 
food jars because they had fewer contaminants in the  glass.