Juice fasts can be very beneficial for those who are overheating or have
too much fire or yang.  Many people are like that which is why juice fasting
can be so beneficial.  I would agree that cold, and empty  yin conditions
would not benefit or might get worse.  Certainly eating cold food such as
ice cream, smoothies, etc are never beneficial except in those people who
might temporarily benefit from eating cold and/or raw food.  Generally,
eating a balance of raw/cooked food is good for everyone.  It is always
important to chew your food well and eat organically raised food as much as
possible.  Chewing "cooks" the food before it goes down and enzymes in the
food and saliva break it down further.  Where did you get your acupuncture
training?  I taught for 6 years at The New England School of Acupuncture.





From: PT Ferrance [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Juice fasts...


Hi Mike,
I don't do juice fasts because when I was in Acupuncture school we saw too
many long term vegetarians and raw foodists with severe health issues whose
systems had to be trained to digest other foods again.  Digestion is
basically a fermentation process.  That means that when we eat our bodies
must bring the temperature (physical and thermodynamic) of the food to the
temperature of the body in order to ferment/digest it.  If the food is
physically or thermodynamically cold it must be warmed and that takes
energy.  Over time the digestive system becomes impacted and functions less
efficiently and health issues ensue.
Very simplified to be sure but still true.



From: M.G. Devour <>
To: silver-list <>
Sent: Tue, February 5, 2013 4:37:20 PM
Subject: CS>Juice fasts...

Hi folks,

Seeing as how quiet things have been for several days, I'd like to toss
a subject into the ring...

Anybody got experience or observed others doing juice fasts or other
variants on a mostly to all raw veggie, nut, fruit diet, with perhaps
just a little dairy/eggs/fish thrown in? I'm talking on the order of 80%
raw or more?

What's the longest pure juice fast you've done or seen?

Areas I'm most interested in are how they handled willpower issues,
getting along with immediate family, excellent resources, and I don't
know what else?

There's a documentary called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" on Hulu that
offers some good inspiration. Any other media, books, websites?

What sort of results have you seen and what kind of conditions have
shown improvement... or not?


Be well,

Mike D.

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