Agree. I saw a man in Mexico go blind in one eye when something broke loose 
 from the IV EDTA and lodged in his eye. Another guy did not need glasses 
after  chelation cleared something that blocked his eyesight. I always did DR 
Clarks  kidney cleanse prior to an IV Chelation. My first chelation I 
passed 18 kidney  stones and stopped counting as that showed me that chelations 
were helping me. I  do have Gout so chelations work for me. I always made 
sure my urine output was  32 ounces per day or more like Clark recommended, 
parsley tea worked for  me I now use my own chelator following "Make my own 
Chelator" on U  tube.
In a message dated 2/6/2013 3:52:36 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:

One must  chelate properly to quickly pass the metals out of the body 
instead of having  them circulate through the body which can do more harm than 
good. _ 
(   is a good place to begin.